The Diet Of A Great Pyrenees
The Great Pyrenees is a large dog breed and many people wonder what type of dietary requirements a dog of this size would have. During the first year of life, due to developmental needs the Great Pyrenees will consume large amounts of dog food. As a puppy, the Great Pyrenees requires a good, high-quality dog food to ensure that their body develops properly. It is normal for the puppy to be fed 3-4 times per day and once the puppy can finish a whole serving of food without any difficulty, the portions are increased in size but the dog is actually fed 3 times per day. As time passes and the puppy grows, he or she will finish the meals more easily, the portions are again increased in size and decreased in frequency, and the dog will be fed once in the morning and once at night. The dog needs to have fresh water available at all times as well.
When you look at a Great Pyrenees, it could be easy to think feeding such a big dog would take several extra-large bags of dry dog food per month, but in actuality a dog of this breed is one that requires the least amount of food of any of the larger breeds. Many owners swear that a Great Pyrenees consumes no more food than the average Labrador Retriever. The dog has a calm nature and easy temperament, which lends to a metabolism that operates efficiently on fewer calories. It is important that no matter what type of food is selected for the dog that the diet includes the vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain a healthy coat.
Though there may be a debate over which is better for the dog, but feeding a mix of wet and dry dog food can work quite well for a Great Pyrenees. Many Pyrenees owners have come to notice that while the dog needs less calories, the calories should be high quality. If the dog is not fed high quality calories, it can leave them feeling hungry at which point they can act out in destructive ways such as excessive chewing and barking. The Great Pyrenees is a breed that does well on a lamb formula dog food, which has a high fat content. Having a high fat content dog food is one of the many factors that go into giving the dog its beautiful, glossy coat. Corn-based dog foods provide little to no nutritional value and do not work well for this particular dog breed.
The diet of a Great Pyrenees is the type which should be seasonally varied. During the warmer summer weather, the dog tends to be inactive until the end of the day when temperatures cool down. Because of this fact, the dog will eat less food. During the winter months, the dog will be very active and daily caloric intake and dietary requirements will increase. With the dog having a lower metabolism, it is normal for them to regulate their own food consumption. Each and every dog breed is different; however, a Great Pyrenees is not a dog driven by gluttony and will likely not eat more than they need.