Women can experience heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycle, and there are a variety of reasons why. When that happens, it can be helpful to understand the underlying cause. Lake Mary heavy bleeding entails any abnormally heavy menstrual flow that causes you to change your sanitary protection more often than usual.

Before you categorize yourself as having heavy bleeding, you need to visit a doctor. A gynecologist might be able to diagnose the problem and recommend a course of treatment. The best way to understand why you are experiencing heavy bleeding is to get a doctor’s opinion. Your doctor will run tests to determine whether you are dealing with any underlying health issues that could be causing your heavy bleeding.

Causes of heavy bleeding

Common causes of heavy bleeding include:

Hormonal imbalance

Various factors, including stress and diet, can cause this. Hormonal issues may produce too many or too few hormones, which can disrupt your menstrual cycle. The normal amount of hormones affects your uterine lining and the thickness of your blood. You should see a doctor to help you balance your hormones.

Uterine fibroids

These are noncancerous growths that can form on the uterus’s walls and usually appear during the childbearing years. They can contribute to heavy bleeding, abdominal cramps, and back pain. A hysterectomy or other surgical procedures can help alleviate your symptoms.


This is a condition where the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it, which can cause heavy bleeding during menstruation. It may even lead to infertility in some cases. Treatments include medications and surgery.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a hormonal disorder that can cause irregular periods and heavy bleeding. It causes follicles to form in the ovaries, affecting fertility and hormone levels. Treatments include birth control pills, hormone therapy, lifestyle changes, and medications.


This condition occurs when the tissue inside the uterus begins to grow in the muscle wall of your uterus. This can cause heavy bleeding and pain during sex and long periods. Treatment may involve medications, surgery, or even hormone therapy.

Intrauterine device

This form of birth control can cause heavy periods and irregular bleeding. In some cases, the IUD can be removed if it is causing heavy bleeding.

Blood clotting disorders

Various blood clotting disorders, such as Von Willebrand disease and platelet function disorder, can cause heavy bleeding. These conditions can cause blood not to clot properly and increase the risk of heavy menstrual bleeding. Treatments can include medications, transfusions, and surgeries.

Below find a detailed explanation of the treatment options:

  • Medications: If a hormonal imbalance causes your heavy bleeding, medicines may be prescribed to help regulate it.
  • Surgery: It can be used to remove fibroids, polyps, or other growths in the uterus that are causing heavy bleeding.
  • Hormone therapy: This type of treatment helps balance your hormones and reduce the symptoms of heavy bleeding.
  • Lifestyle changes: Adjusting your diet and lifestyle can help manage heavy bleeding. Depending on your doctor’s recommendation, this may include avoiding certain foods or exercising more.
  • Transfusions: If your blood clotting disorder is causing heavy bleeding, you may need to receive a transfusion.

Whatever the cause of heavy bleeding, it is important to get it checked by Christopher K Quinsey, MD.

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