Anchorage Employment Opportunities With Some of the Largest Employers
Anchorage employment opportunities are vast and include many different profiles like that of petroleum engineers, financial managers, sales representatives, computer programmers, registered nurses, pharmacists, social workers, commercial pilots, biological technicians and many others. It is simply impossible to include all the Anchorage employment opportunities here.
The largest providers of Anchorage employment opportunities are scattered over various fields like hospitality, trade, transportation, communications, finance and service.
A tentative list of the largest employers here are as below:
• Fort Richardson US Army Base
• Providence Alaska Medical Center & Hospital System
• Sullivan Arena / Government offices
• Alyeska Pipeline Service
• US Fish and Wildlife Service
• Banner Health System
• Northern Air Cargo
• US Emergency Transportation Services
• University of Alaska at Anchorage
• Conoco Philips
• Alaska Regional Hospital
• Teleco Telephone
• US Army Corps of Engineers
• NANA Management Services
• Alaska Regional Hospital
• Wal-Mart / Sam's Club
• Ted Stevens International Airport
• Trident Seafoods
All these companies have earned a big name for themselves in their niches and have special Anchorage employment opportunities available. They need people with special skills who will be beneficial to the company's growth. Usually these companies advertise big through different mediums regarding any job openings with them.
If you are a prospective candidate and wish to apply for any such position you need to go through the job profile as well as qualifications and skills asked for. Your chances for selection become ripe only if you are able to match almost all the skills and qualifications asked for.
The toughness or leniency of the selection process depends to a large extent on the type of position you are applying for. Undoubtedly the selection process for high level jobs will be much more difficult than that for junior level jobs. Hence you need to prepare accordingly to get into any of the Anchorage employment opportunities provided by these giants.
Wish You All the Best and Great Success!