How to Overcome Depression After a Car Accident - AICA Orthopedics

Depression is a mental disorder where one becomes overwhelmed by persistent feelings of sadness. Although most people assume making efforts to think more positively will make their depression disappear, this disorder requires specific treatment to restore optimal mental health. Most patients with depression feel helpless and isolated, especially due to the stigma associated with the condition and lack of understanding about the disease. Knowing more about depression will help you get maximum benefits from your treatment. Fortunately, several effective medicines and psychological interventions exist to treat North Chelmsford depression. The first step to successful treatment is to visit your doctor for an accurate depression diagnosis.

How do physicians treat depression?

Depression treatment requires patient-centeredness. You should share details about your depression with your doctor to assist in the development of an appropriate treatment plan. Effective treatment of this mental disorder usually involves a combination of medication and counseling, also known as psychotherapy. There is a wide range of effective medications for the treatment of depression. The following are the four main categories of antidepressants:

  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, MAOIs
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, SNRIs

Your doctor will carefully review your symptoms and medical history to determine your appropriate medication. Antidepressants do not produce immediate results. It might take up to two months to notice significant mood changes. You may need to continue medication for six to 12 months to ensure treatment efficacy.

There is a range of side effects associated with antidepressants. For example, some patients report dry mouth, blurred vision, diarrhea, and constipation while taking antidepressants. Committing to your treatment plan is necessary to ensure positive outcomes. Please do not stop taking your medicines without discussing them with your doctor. Informing your doctor of any extreme side effects will lead to appropriate action: reducing dosage or switching to a different medication).

The significance of counseling for depressed patients

Your general practitioner will recommend counseling depending on your symptoms and response to treatment. Counseling sessions involve:

  • Discussing your feelings and your treatment progress
  • Reviewing any side effects, you may be experiencing due to your medication
  • Discussing the possibility of treatment adjustments

Reluctance to share details about your life will hinder your counselor from seeing the big picture. There are many forms of counseling. Sharing information about yourself will help your doctor select an appropriate counseling approach.

Counseling is difficult, especially when you have to relive past trauma. However, attending regular counseling sessions is beneficial since you will work through painful experiences with your counselor and thus recover quickly from your disorder.

What is the role of family and friends in the treatment of depression?

It may be difficult for your family and friends to comprehend your depression. However, your loved ones have a significant role in helping you seek treatment since they are the first to notice any behavior changes like withdrawal or irritability. Your doctor will explain the details of your condition and its treatment to your family and friends. Supportive loved ones will remind you to take your medications and encourage you to attend counseling sessions. Contact Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates, LLC to receive treatment for your depression and restore your mental wellness. 

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