A Deep Dive Into Understanding Ayurvedic Spa & Its Practices
Ayurvedic medicine has been followed in India for centuries. One major component of it is Ayurvedic massage and spa. Also known as Abhyanga, the practice promotes well-being and balanced health in an individual by creating lifestyle changes. The Ayurvedic approach to being healthy is meant to last a lifetime, it encompasses every aspect of life and is ingrained into it.
- Understanding Ayurveda & Its Historical Use
In simple and plain words, Ayurveda means the science of life. The origin of Ayurveda is ancient, and historians believe that medical experts began to record the practices of Ayurveda, in writing, only about 2,500 years ago. Before that, it was practiced verbally making it one of the oldest methods of healing in the entire world. Even today, in some parts of the globe it is the first approach to treating ailments. In other portions, like the US, ayurvedic massage and medicine are utilised in conjunction with modern medical techniques.
At present, the effectiveness of the approach has made it extremely popular in Western countries. Thousands and thousands of citizens of the developed world are incorporating Ayurvedic practices in their health care regime instead of treating it as an alternative technique.
- Comprehending Its Usefulness Through an Experiment
Researchers, in the past few years, began to study the traditional practice of ayurvedic massage in order to understand it better. In one particular study, done on 20 people, three factors were observed both before and after a 60-minute Abhyanga:
- Heart rate
- Blood pressure
- Stress level
The result of the traditional Ayurvedic oil massage therapy proved that the stress level and heart rate of the individuals reduced to a significant degree. But there was one surprising observation. The blood pressure levels of only those participants changed who suffered from prehypertension. The experiment was proof positive that ayurvedic massage has solely constructive outcomes. It can restore balance in bodies that are grieved by an ailment, but it doesn’t create issues in people who already have excellent health.
An Ayurvedic spa is one element of Ayurvedic lifestyle. It is said that Ayurvedic massage can get rid of toxic chemicals that build up in a body. Known as ama, high levels of it led to weight gain and other adverse outcomes on the physical body. By diligently employing ayurvedic massage and the lifestyle that it entails almost half of body’s toxins can be eliminated. Through a traditional massage therapy people can improve on:
- Relaxation
- Nutrition
- Sleeping habits
- Exercise regime
- Weight loss
- Division of Individuals for Ayurvedic Massage Therapy
Ayurveda has been effectively practiced for centuries and centuries because it organises people into three categories. This division is based on the four elements of life: water, earth, fire, and air.
- Vata: All shapes that have a thin and lean frame are associated with the air element, and they tend to have issues related to nutrient absorption.
- Kapha: All bodies that have a large structure and suffer from a form of obesity are linked to water or earth element.
- Pitta: All figures that have a medium sized frame are connected to the fire element and tend to suffer from issues of digestion.
There are some body types that can be made up of more than one element. When a person has an excess of energy in one or more component, they can benefit considerably from abhyanga. Ayurvedic massage helps balance out the additional element and any problems that arise from that imbalance.
- Ayurvedic Therapy & Its Integrities
A professional spa that offers Ayurvedic massage would be most beneficial to individuals who want to make long-term lifestyle alterations that lead to weight loss and a healthier body. It has to be noted that abhyanga is a holistic approach to bringing a body to harmony. It requires, at times, a lot of changes in the daily habits of a person. These modifications are incumbent upon the vikruti or imbalances a body has. Some of the adjustments one might have to make can be:
- Dietary
- Sleep Schedule
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Stress Management
- Herbal Treatments
A Succinct Summation
Ayurvedic massage is a full-body massage where an expert therapist works on the head, neck, torso, arms, hands, legs and feet using a specific oil. The oil which is generally infused with herbal mixtures penetrates the skin and reaches the molecules that bring about changes. These result in slower heart rate and stress relief. Ayurvedic therapy is useful for all body types with particular treatments focused on specific needs. Besides regular massages, it also requires commitment from the participant in other areas of life like food, exercise, and sleep.