6 Early Warning Signs of Uterine Fibroids

6 Signs That Might Indicate You Have Fibroids: Virtuosa GYN: OB-GYNs

Fibroids affect a huge percentage of women, especially as they age. Uterine fibroids are usually non-cancerous and asymptomatic in the early stages. Numerous women are not even aware that they have fibroids. Early warning signs of Buckhead fibroids might be easy to miss. However, once uterine fibroids develop huge enough, they may lead to symptoms ranging from simply annoying concerns to others that can hugely affect your quality of life. The type and severity of your symptoms will often vary according to the size and type of your fibroid. Nonetheless, here are some of the common symptoms to watch out for.

1. Heavy Vaginal Bleeding

Prolonged or E=excessively heavy menses are a common symptom of uterine fibroids. Most women describe soaking through sanitary pads in under an hour, passing huge blood clots, and experiencing difficulties leaving their houses because of the heavy flow. For this reason, some women might develop anemia, also referred to as a low blood count.

Anemia can lead to fatigue, lightheadedness, and headaches. If heavy bleeding disrupts your everyday activities or you experience signs of anemia, consult a specialist to discuss fibroid treatment options.

2. Pelvic Discomfort 

Women with huge fibroids might feel pressure or heaviness in their pelvis or lower abdomen. Often, patients describe this pelvic discomfort as a vague discomfort instead of a shooting pain. Occasionally, the enlarged uterus makes it hard to bend over, lie face down, or exercise without pain.

Utilizing a pain reliever like ibuprofen can help mask the discomfort. However, you might also suffer from chronic pelvic discomfort. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention.

3. Bladder Problems

One common bladder issue associated with fibroids is the need to urinate often. You might wake up several times during the night to empty your bladder. Sometimes, a woman might experience difficulties passing urine despite having a full bladder. These symptoms stem from fibroids pressing against the bladder; thus, reducing its ability to hold urine as well as blocking the outflow of urine. Treatments for bladder issues can offer huge relief.

4. Low Back Pain

Hardly, fibroids press against the nerves and muscles of the lower back, causing back discomfort. A huge fibroid in the back area of the uterus has a higher likelihood of causing back discomfort than a tiny fibroid inside the uterine wall. However, since back pain is quite prevalent, it is vital to look for other reasons for your pain before attributing it to uterine fibroids.

5. Rectal Pressure

Fibroids may also press against the rectum, causing a feeling of rectal fullness, problems with bowel movements, or discomfort when passing bowels. Occasionally, fibroids can result in the development of hemorrhoids.

6. Pain or Discomfort with Sexual Intercourse

Fibroids can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable or painful. You might experience discomfort during certain sexual positions or specific times of your cycle. Sexual discomfort can hugely affect your intimacy and relationships, so you should mention it to your doctor.

Uterine fibroids are more prevalent than you think, and, although numerous women will develop these benign tumors, most will do so without noticing any bodily changes. In fact, most uterine fibroids are asymptomatic, rendering it hard to diagnose and treat the issue. Moreover, numerous fibroids symptoms mimic the effects of other health concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to understand and discuss possible symptoms with your physician. Your OBGYN will accurately diagnose your issue and suggest the most suitable care plan, be it medications or surgery to remove the troublesome fibroids.

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