Tips of Avoiding Miscarriage
It can be difficult to know how to avoid miscarriage, but often there are warning signs. You need to react quickly if you experience any of the signs. Miscarriages happen most often within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. The causes are often unknown, but can commonly be chromosomal, meaning there was something not right with the baby’s chromosomes. Here are a few warning signs to look out for that may, though not necessarily so, indicate the onset of a miscarriage.
1. Don’t smoke or drink alcohol during your pregnancy. This should be obvious, but too many women ignore the evidence that smoking and drinking, especially during pregnancy, is dangerous and can lead to miscarriage.
2. Zinc is the most important mineral for the reproductive system. Zinc deficiency among many other things impairs body’s ability to properly maintain pregnancy in women and produce healthy sperm in men.
3. All foods that can aggravate the pitta must be avoided. This will lead to an improper digestive fire, leading to constipation. Constipation must be prevented during pregnancy at all costs.
4. The American diet is about as bad as it gets and as other countries get more “Americanized” their diets are declining as well. Even though I’ve always maintained a body weight that was in the normal range, I still wasn’t eating foods that promoted fertility. I researched food and nutrition publications and followed a diet high in hormone regulating foods, fruits and vegetables. Regulating hormones is also critical in preventing miscarriage. As a bonus, foods that are good for fertility are happen to be great anti-aging strategies as well! It’s great for my ego when people ask me “Are you going to have another baby?” and I am now 47 years old!
5. If women consult a physician before they consider getting pregnant and plan a pregnancy, exercise caution and take the necessary precautions, they can have a successful healthy pregnancy. These are a few facts about pregnancy miscarriage and a few tips on how to avoid it.
6. Since it is believed that raised hormone levels and higher levels of insulin in overweight women are to blame for the miscarriage of healthy babies, it is suggested that women intending to get pregnant work at getting their weight to fall in the normal BMI range before conception.
7. Women with reproductive difficulties may successfully deliver a baby through Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). The cost of ART varies, depending on the complexity of the method the doctor uses. ART is usually successful in three cycles. Be sure ask your doctor to define ‘success’ before you make your down payment, because some clinics define success as any conception, and others define it as taking home a baby.
8. When trying to conceive it’s best to stay clear from all the alcohol. Alcohol is very harmful to woman’s eggs and men sperm before conception. As little as ONE glass can reduce fertility by 50%! This can further lead to damage of developing embryo and result in a miscarriage.
9. Becoming pregnant after miscarriage won’t replace the lost pregnancy but may help you by refocusing your attention.
10. Taking good care of the mother to be during the early months of pregnancy is very important. Even if there is no appetite due to morning sickness, good care should be taken and an attempt to have something nourishing. Women who have had miscarriages can still have healthy babies later.