Thyroid Health Problems How, Why, and What to Do Next
The thyroid gland is a precision instrument that is vital in growth and metabolism. This means that not only is the thyroid gland essential for the function of our bodies, but also that it needs to be working perfectly for optimum health.
One of the most common forms of thyroid problem is hypothyroidism or an under active thyroid gland. The most prevalent form of hypothyroidism is thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s Disease, an auto immune disease affecting the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism can also be caused by a thyroid gland that is inflamed or sluggish. Thyroid problems can be due to iodine deficiency, an after effect of surgery or medication, or dysfunction of the pituitary gland. First, let’s look at the symptoms and diagnosis of thyroid problems more closely.
What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?
One of the first signs is usually weight gain, especially if the pounds pile on quickly and are almost impossible to remove. The skin could become dry and rough, the hair dry and coarse, and constant tiredness are also symptoms of this thyroid problem. There could also be memory loss, cramps and constipation. All of these symptoms or just a few can be present, which means diagnosis of a thyroid problem by your physician I recommended.
A blood test for levels of thyroid hormones TSH and T4 is the most precise way to diagnose a health problem. Now, most precise does not necessarily mean very precise, and in fact there is no specific level of thyroid hormones that is “normal” for everyone. Thyroid problems can appear in someone who has the same levels as someone else who seems perfectly fine. The range of thyroid levels considered normal is quite wide. Nevertheless, a blood test remains the best way to diagnose a thyroid health problem, such as hypothyroidism.
Treatment of hypothyroidism
The conventional treatment for thyroid health problems is Levothyroxine, a synthetic thyroid hormone. This treatment can be often very hit-and-miss, with constant monitoring needed as to how levothyroxine levels are affecting the condition. An alternate method of treating thyroid health problems is using a natural thyroid hormone, such as an extract from cows. Here however, there is always the fear of virus contamination. In both cases it is hoped that changing the thyroid hormone levels will treat the causes of the thyroid problem, rather than just temporarily relieve the symptoms.
Natural treatment of hypothyroidism
Vitamins and supplements are also vital when treating thyroid health problems, and for general thyroid support. Vitamins A and C help a lot, as does an increased intake of copper. It’s best to cut out stimulants like alcohol, tea and coffee, as well as smoking. Food with additives and preservatives should be avoided, while fresh vegetables and fruit should be increased to restore balance to your body.
There are also natural remedies being used to treat various thyroid problems. Kelp is said to be very effective and has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine. However, if you are using it to for thyroid support, you must be sure that the kelp comes from a reputed source as it can be contaminated with effluents if it has been harvested too close to the shore. Go-ji or the lyceum berry is also said to be good for thyroid problems, as is avena sativa, a wild oat plant.
The causes of thyroid problems are numerous, so the best way to maintain thyroid health is by taking a holistic approach to health and nutrition. In addition, various herbs and natural remedies are available that are believed to actively treat the problem. Only Mitamins can create a vitamin supplement that combines the essential vitamins and minerals needed for thyroid health with herbs that are known to help in the treatment of thyroid problems.