Stay Healthy, Stay Fit, Health Tips For A Healthier Life
Staying healthy is a very important part of your life. Many of you follow various commercial methods and health programs to keep you fit and healthy. However, there are many little things that you can easily do to stay healthier. The good news is these are very simple things; you just need to know about them.
Drink Lots of Water – Water is very important to good health and it varies for each individual. You lose water every day through your breath, urine, perspiration and bowel movements. And you must replenish this water loss by eating foods and beverages that contains water.
When you don’t drink enough water your body finds it difficult to carry out its normal functions, this is called dehydration. Even a little dehydration can make you feel exhausted.
So how much water should you drink everyday (on average) ? Drink eight glasses (8 ounces each) of water everyday. This is a rough average of what an adult should drink, however on a hard working day you should consider drinking more. Water benefits you in many ways which includes, increasing your energy, enhances fat loss (especially cold water), reduces hunger and hydrates your skin making you look youthful.
Eat Whole Grain Meals – Eat whole grain meals rather than whole wheat meals, it will help your healthy living and weight loss. Whole grain meals have very low calorie and fat and provide better nourishment (fiber, vitamins, and minerals).
So what is whole grain ? Whole grains are entire seed of the plant and it contains 3 distinct parts – the bran, the endosperm and the germ. If all these three parts of the grain are present, it is considered as whole grain.
Bran is the outer seed full of fiber, vitamin B, 50% to 80% of grain’s minerals and contains a healthy chemical called phytochemicals. The Endosperm is the middle part of the grain which contains carbohydrates, some protein and vitamin B. The germ is the inner embryo; contains vitamin B, vitamin E, phytochemicals, antioxidants and small amounts of unsaturated fat (healthy).
Rye, oats, barley, brown rice, corn, quinoa, bulgur, amaranth and millet are example of whole grains. Eating whole grains might lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure, improve your insulin control, prevent constipation, help with digestive disorders and weight management. Moreover, you can eat a lot of whole grains without gaining much weight.
Whole grains with fruits and vegetables are ideal and widely recommended meals for keeping you healthy.
Chew your Food Slowly and Completely – If you feel bloated after eating you are probably not chewing your food properly. Digestion starts in the mouth and not in your stomach as many of you think obvious. There are enzymes in your saliva that play an important role in digestion. The alpha amylase enzyme in your saliva helps in breakdown of starches into smaller elements and the lingual lipase enzyme helps in breakdown of fats. If you don’t chew your food properly the enzymes does not get the opportunity to break down the fat and starches in your food and hence your body cells does not get the energy it needs.
Not chewing your food may result in incomplete digestion, flatulence, heartburn, gas, IBS and other related problems. Also just a portion of the nutrients and vitamins will be absorbed from the food you ate and the rest will be passed out.
So how many times should you chew your food ? Well, it depends on the food you are eating. For example you need to chew on your beef steak lot more than your regular sandwich. The main rule is to chew until you can no longer determine the food by its texture. And remember, you also need to chew on semi liquid foods such as lemon curd, yogurt etc. giving the enzymes enough time to break them down as well.
Chewing your food slowly and properly will result in proper absorption of nutrients in your body, causes you to eat less and still feel full (lose body fat) and also relieves you from feeling heavy after a meal.
Walk Everyday – Walking is probably the most simple yet effective exercise there is. Just 30 minutes of walk everyday or at least 5 times a week will give you a healthier life in the long run. It’s amazing that how many benefits walking can bring and it only requires a pair of walking shoes!
Before you start, if you have medical condition such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, arthritis etc. you must consult your doctor before starting a walking program.
For walking you should wear comfortable shoes, clothes that absorb sweat and remove it from your skin. Also to make it fun, walk with a friend or a pet. Do not try to reach heaven on the first day! Start slowly and over several weeks gradually begin walking faster, going further and walking for longer period of time.
Walking will keep you fit, reduce your blood pressure, diminishes your stress level, reduces chances of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, manages weight, lowers bad cholesterol, raises good cholesterol and also clears you mind. These are some the major benefits and all these just from walking. So don’t waste time, you can start this from today!
You have taken the time to read this article and now you should take a little more time to put them into use and you will be living a healthier life.