Know the Health Benefits of Lemon

The citrus fruits have more benefits than others. The lemon has great benefits as well as the juice of the lemon as well. Either fresh squeezed lemons or store bought lemon juice have the same type of benefits. Lemon juice is good for a source of Vitamin C. One health benefit is that lemons and lemon juice can protect your body against germs and bacteria.

Lemon is nature’s priceless gift to mankind. This yellow fruit not only cures and guards the health and also fights and destroys the germs and bacteria as a warrior. Lemon’s countless benefits are mentioned in age-old epics, religious scripts and even modern science and medical journals and books. Lemon is called in different names in different languages. In Hindi kanji nimbi, Sanskrit nimbus, Marati limbu, Gujrati limbu, Bengali kagdi lebu, Telugu nimma pandu, Tamil elumichchai, Malayalam chru narinkai, Persian limune thrush, English lemon, Latin citrus medica acida.

Lemons are rich in many food ingredients, particularly citric acid. Lemons are widely used in medicine due to their citric acid and Vitamin C content. They are highly valued for their juice, which is often used as an accessory food. Lemon juice increases the flavor and improves the taste of various dishes. Additionally, lemon juice poured over other fruits prevents discoloration of the flesh when exposed to air.

My lids are always a little red, but more so now that I am getting less sleep these upcoming weeks to my son’s birth (I love how they prepare you for the sleep you will not be getting once they arrive.) Upon applying Lemon-Aid, it completely muted out the red and gave an even appearance to both eyes. It didn’t necessarily look yellow, but obviously was pale in comparison to the red. Once I applied my eyeshadow, the yellow disappeared and just gave the appearance of an even complexion. I also found that the cream made a good base to hold my eyeshadow.

Lemon water helps clean the toxins out of our bodies. Your skin can’t look healthy if your body is holding onto toxins! When you get rid of toxic waste in your system, your skin will show it first! Your skin will be the first thing YOU notice cause it looks clear and not sallow and full of acne. (Another healthy way to get rid of toxins that hold onto your fat and cause visceral fat, is by doing a health cleanse!)

lemon juice diet is safe, natural and consistently demonstrates its building and detoxification ability. Cleansing of every cell and every part in the body is desired and can be accomplished very effectively with a diet including organic freshly squeezed lemons, bringing about the best in a detoxification body cleanse with the wonderful benefit of natural healing.

The uses of lemon in the areas of skin care are immense. Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C, and exhibits bleaching properties. Oily to dry skin types benefit from the various beauty treatments containing lemon juice, lemon extracts, or lemon peel. This just goes to show how versatile the natural ingredient of lemon is, and has a wide range of applications in the realm of skin treatments. Use of lemon juice as a natural anti-tanner has been an age old cure for lightning the skin against the harmful effects of the sun.