How to Get Glowing, Healthy Skin by Drinking Water, Coconut Milk, Etc

The most beneficial method to get glowing, healthy skin is to begin from the inside out. The best way to begin is to stop drinking sodas and coffee which contain high amounts of caffeine. Caffeine causes the skin and body to dehydrate, wrinkles and lines are more defined when your skin is suffering from a lack of moisture. Caffeine is a diuretic, which causes an increase in urine output, which contributes to the depletion of moisture from your skin and body. Trying to combat this by using moisturizers is not the best solution. Putting moisture into your body will do more for you in the long run.

The negative effects of caffeine on your body will show on your skin. People who consume excess amounts of caffeine can experience sleeplessness, osteoporosis, depression, and headaches. Also anything that causes discomfort to you when you stop drinking it, i.e. withdrawal symptoms, in my opinion is not good for you.  All of these things can be reflected in the appearance of your skin.

To get the hydration, your body needs to function properly and to keep your skin looking it’s best, you truly do need to drink plenty of pure water, unprocessed fruit juice and/or coconut milk. The colors of the earth are reflected in the colors of fruit juice and drinking unprocessed juices will be reflected in warm and healthy skin tones.

After replacing teas, colas, and coffee that you make with boiling water, with  “sun tea”, pure water, coconut water and fruit juices, you will shortly begin to feel better and sleep better. Once you have kicked the caffeine habit and increased your intake of good moisture, the good health of your cells and organs will be reflected on your skin.

Another reason for drinking pure water, juices and “sun tea” is that when you boil water, you’re releasing oxygen from it.The skin is the largest elimination organ. When your body is releasing toxins they must pass through the skin to be eliminated, this requires moisture and that is why the more moisture you have available the less stress there will be  on your skin.

Your detoxification rate increases with the consumption of raw food. When you drink water it aids the body in ridding itself of accumulated toxins.

There are many other foods  beneficial to the skin, one of the best is seaweed, which is high in minerals and vitamins and it also helps the body rid itself of toxins. What you put into your body is what is reflected on the outside of your body so remember; if you put garbage in you get garbage back out, and if your goal is to achieve and maintain a healthy complexion, you will need to  eat plenty of raw food and drink plenty of water.