Detox Diet With Herbal Teas

When you adopt a detox diet, your aim is to remove toxins from the organs of elimination such as the skin, kidneys, liver, lungs and bowel. In order to obtain geat health, this is an important step that you should not miss. High toxicity in your body can cause stress, a weakened immune system, chronic feelings of fatigue, and signs and symptoms of poor health.

Your body is naturally equipped to eliminate wastes and poisons from the system. Its functioning is enhanced when you go on a detox diet designed to help you remove accumulated waste that got into excessive levels due to the unhealthy foods that you consume, polluted air that you ingest and the chemicals that you expose yourself to.

The use of herbal teas in a detox diet is a time-honoured tradition. You can view herbal teas as high mineral drinks during the time when you cleanse your body. They provide you with lots of energy but save you the trouble of having to eat solid proteins or carbohydrates for fuel. Herbal teas are basically body balancers, and their mild detoxification properties are easy for the body to utilise.

The volatile oils and phenolic compounds in herbs are released by hot brewing water. When taken in small doses during a detox diet, they bathe the tissues with concentrated natural support that promote cell regeneration and release of toxic waste. Generally, you can derive greater effect by taking herbs together than singly.

To get the best results of herbal teas when you detoxify your body, use a non-metallic pot, such as ceramic or earthenware. Stainless steel, although acceptable, is not encouraged; avoid aluminium as it reduces herbal effects and the soft metal could leach into the tea. Pack loose herbs into a small tea ball, and heat about 3 cups of water until it boils. Once you remove the water from heat, add and steep the herbs, covered for twenty-five minutes if you are using a root or bark herbal tea, or ten to fifteen minutes for a leaf or flower herbal tea.

Keep the lid tightly closed during steeping and storage. The volatile oils are the most vital component of the drink. Being volatile, they will escape if left uncovered. Drink teas in small quantities over time rather than all at once, to allow the gradual build-up of the medicinal value in your tissues.

Keep in mind that whether natural or synthetic, each medicine has its own healing properties and purpose. Not using them appropriately can cause untoward effects instead of bringing you desired therapeutic benefits. Spend time reading up on herbs and herbal teas. You would also need to check with a qualified herbalist or your health care provider about using herbal teas in a detox diet for aid in cleansing of toxins.