Allopathic Versus Osteopathic Medicine in Los Angeles
Those who practice allopathic medicine are called MDs Doctors who practice osteopathy are ODs or osteopathic physicians. Both types of physicians are trained and licensed to practice medicine in the State of California, so when you are searching in the phone book for Los Angeles osteopaths, look for individuals with the title OD (or DO in some cases)
Osteopathic medicine is an alternative to allopathic, or traditional medicine in both philosophy and purpose. Osteopaths receive from 400 to 500 extra hours of training in muscularskeletal manipulation.
Osteopathic healthcare in California is proactive. It encourages good health via healthy lifestyles. That means correct diet, proper quantity of exercise, proper sleep, no smoking, drinking or recreational drugs. Physicians who practice osteopathy would rather let the body heal itself; therapy and treatments keep that in mind. Medications and surgery are usually avoided and in favor of non-invasive treatments.
Healthcare Partners Medical, Edgar Martinez Medical Clinic, Healthcare Partners Med Group, Intercommunity Medical Group, Thomas Tseng Medical Clinic, Comprehensive Community Health and Care More Medical Group are a few organizations who have DO's on staff in the city.
A unique thing about osteopathy- the human body is seen as a whole unit. When there is injury or illness in one part there is in that, that one part can exert a ripple-effect influence on all the other parts of the body. A healthy body controls all the essential devices to fashion its own guards against disease, infection and injury. Prevention and maintenance is also practiced. Regular check-ups give your OD the chance to identify minor abnormalities in order to restore function before symptoms emerge.
If you still have concerns about osteopathy or roles of doctors of osteopathic medicine, it is easy to locate a practitioner in your area. Schedule an appointment, let the office know you want to find out more about osteopathy, and start your journey in osteopathic medicine.
The best way the body heals is when it is healthy and in optimal state. Maintenance of the body is now the duty of the patient and the OD