Why Do We Want Muscles? How Do We Get Them?
What are muscles?
Muscles are tissues in the body that contract in order to promote movement.
There are many people out there who want to build muscles.
Some people want to build muscles for various reasons such as:
- To boost self esteem, by doing this they feel better about the image the see in the mirror and also the way people look at them.
- Another reason is they do it for entertainment and jobs purposes for instance a body builder, male models or others.
How to build muscles?
People build muscles by going to the gym for 30 minutes or more for 3 to 5 days during the week .
They do various exercises to strengthen the different muscles and promote muscle growth.
- For example you might do weight lifting and push ups to build your triceps and biceps.
- Squats for your legs and gluts to make them tighter.
To get the desired results, one must be dedicated and disciplined, you might not see the desired results right away but its a start.
Some people might not see the results they want because they might have excess body fat which covers the muscles. Because of this some individuals will give up.
One solution to this is to go on a diet that consists of less carbohydrates, more fresh fruits and vegetables and be sure you are getting your daily 8 glasses every day, be sure to get enough sleep. And exercise regularly.While on your daily exercise regime for building your desired muscles be sure to get alot of protein into your body to promote healthy muscle growth.
Do you ever wonder if there was a way to get them in even faster without all that work mentioned above?
To get more information click here: http://andes-7minutemusclereview.blogspot.com