The Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Health, Energy and Vitality
Because of 21st Century living, we drive more, we exercise less, we eat larger portions (because we wait too long between meals), and we drink more liquid beverages than ever before.
Big corporations are well aware of this and have recently come up with a huge variety of beverages that claim to be good for us. I’m talking about energy drinks, vitamin water, protein water, sports drinks, sweetened teas, juice drinks, and sodas of all kinds. They’re cheap to make and easy to sell.
According to researchers from the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina, dietary records of U.S. adults from as far back as 1965 show that the percentage of the average adult’s calories from beverages has nearly DOUBLED. Big corporations have tricked us into thinking these products are good for our health – but they are not. We have been fooled.
But there is actually a beverage that is the true “Fountain of Youth”.
We should drink this all day long instead of ANY of the beverages listed above. Plus, it’s super inexpensive and is available EVERYWHERE. I’m talking about good old-fashioned water!
Here’s why it’s a waste of money and bad for our health to drink anything else.
Energy drinks: These cause dehydration (makes you thirsty for more), and upset our natural blood sugar levels which causes fat storage and bad carb cravings.
Vitamin Water: They use very low quality supplements in an attempt to convince that this product is somehow “healthy”. There are far better ways to spend our money on truly healthful products. The process used to make these added supplements remain mixed in the water causes the product to upset our natural blood sugar levels which causes fat storage and bad carb cravings.
Protein Water: They use very cheap protein supplements which are difficult to digest and are incomplete proteins. As with vitamin water, the process used to make these added supplements remain mixed in the water causes the product to upset our natural blood sugar levels which causes fat storage and bad carb cravings.
Sports Drinks: (Gatorade, etc) These types of products boast fast burning carbs for energy, as well as electrolytes needed because of depletion during exercise. The fact is, unless you are a top notch athlete that engages in vigorous exercise for hours at a time, these products upset our natural blood sugar levels which causes fat storage and bad carb cravings. For the normal person, it’s far better to eat a piece of fresh fruit after your workout. (It’s cheaper, too.) Learn more hear on wellness .
Sweetened and Sugar Free Tea in a bottle: These cause dehydration (makes you thirsty for more) and the ones with added sugar are obviously bad for us. But even the ones with artificial sweeteners upset our natural blood sugar levels which causes fat storage and bad carb cravings.
Juice Drinks: Even the ones with “real fruit juice” are pasteurized and usually ‘concentrated’. These processes not only destroy many of the most important nutrients, the natural pectin (from fruit) is destroyed – causing the carbohydrates to be absorbed too quickly. This causes fat storage and bad carb cravings.
Soda: Whether these contain sugars or artificial sweeteners, soda is loaded with chemicals and contain nothing nutritional. Even diet soda upsets our natural blood sugar levels which causes fat storage and bad carb cravings.
Instead of wasting money on these products, drink water – bottled or filtered from your tap. Water contains no calories, uses virtually no energy to pass through our systems, and cleans and purifies many of our organs, and significantly promotes good health. Our bodies are designed to drink water only – and lots of it. (at least 8 glasses per day)
Replace a bad habit with a new one by drinking throughout each day. After a few weeks, not only will you not miss your old beverages, you’ll feel better and water will begin to taste amazing!
Water is the only true “Fountain of Youth”.