As much as a healthy diet is highly recommended during pregnancy, it is also very important after the baby is born. This is to help replenish what was lost to the benefit of the baby. Also, it will help with recovery from the stress of carrying a baby for a long period and also to prepare new mothers for the task ahead – nursing the child.

Newborns require, at least, six months of breastfeeding and a balanced diet will help provide the nutrients needed for that.

The importance of breastfeeding cannot be overemphasized: it reduces the baby’s risk of developing certain ailments and it also strengthens the bond between mother and child.

Here are superfoods recommended for nursing mothers


Salmon is a fatty fish and its docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) helps in the development of your baby’s nervous system. It is highly nutritional, containing protein and vitamin B12.


Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that helps produce new blood cells, and also helps with milk production. It contains manganese which aids bone development and is essential for mothers still recovering from caesarean sections. Other nutrients include vitamin A, C, iron, and calcium.

All vegetables are good for nursing mothers, however, the need to prefer spinach above all other vegetables firmly rests on the above offerings.


Breastfeeding mothers should include milk in their diet as it helps to stimulate the production of milk that the baby needs. It is also rich in vitamins D and B, and calcium that is needed for the growth and development of the baby.

Milk has a high water content so it helps keep you hydrated. Two glasses of this drink a day would do much good.


Eggs are a great source of protein that is essential for the body, especially for nursing mothers who need what it offers to take care of their babies.

Eat, at least. one egg a day.


Finally, oatmeal is another very important meal to add to your diet. It is high in fiber and helps significantly to quell postnatal constipation.

Oatmeal also helps with lactation by amplifying breast milk supply. New mothers are likely to experience iron deficiency, but with oatmeal – which has a lot of iron, this can be prevented.

Nursing mothers owe it to themselves as well as their babies to stay healthy; start by including these in your diet and you can be sure to have a complication-free nursing period.

Stay healthy!