Pros and Cons of Individual Health Insurance
Getting individual health insurance plans is a common choice among the unemployed or self-employed looking for insurance. In order to get this kind of plan, you have to undergo a physical exam to be conducted at the behest of the insurance provider. This will enable the insurance provider to learn more about you and your medical history. You will also be interviewed by a representative of the insurance company to see if you are financially capable of maintaining your account. The results of these tests and interview will determine your eligibility for these plans. Here are some of the pros and cons of getting an individual health insurance.
The good thing about getting an individual health insurance is that you get to choose which benefits you want to be included in your package. These include consultation fees, childbirth and well-baby, accidents, and critical illnesses, among others. You can get to choose the benefits that you will mostly likely use and need in the future.
If you are short on cash and can not afford to pay high monthly dues, other insurance providers may help you by offering co-payments or the insurance provider will share your medical expenses.
The problem with indemnities is that they may be hard to get. Depending on your physical conditions, an insurance company has the right to deny your application. If you are a high risk client, predisposed to getting diseases like cancer or diabetes, or have a hazardous occupation, your chances of getting insurance may decrease. But if even you do get accepted, the insurance company may charge you high monthly fees or premiums in order to keep your account active.
The bottom line here is that the insurance only helps you in getting medical attention and paying for it a lower price. It is still up to you to keep yourself healthy.