New High Fiber Foods and Health Drinks are Better Than Juicing
Some people think juicing is the most efficient way to get fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals or other nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, it can be difficult and disappointing to spend hours cleaning and preparing the piles of produce necessarry for a small glass of juice. While juicing may have been super for Jack Lalanne, it is not a task you must spend so much time on each day in order to consume enough high fiber foods and health drinks. Instead, spend a few minutes searching the net for all natural high fiber foods and health drinks that are not sold in stores. You will find that there are better options for getting complex carbohydrates, natural antioxidants and soluble fiber in your daily diet, just as you would from a glass of fresh juice, but without the expense or hassle of juicing.
Even if you can digest the recommended 25-35 grams of fiber in food and half your body weight in ounces of water every day, as experts recommend, you may not be getting the best nutrition available. Most people find this prospect hard to swallow, and give up quickly on ever reaching perfect health and fitness. It takes too much time, effort and energy to buy, prepare, and devour that much produce, and who can guzzle that much water every day without craving some kind of flavor or enhancement? Consuming fruits, vegetables and water every day is important, and now, superior fitness can be achieved with ready to eat high fiber foods and health drinks not found in grocery stores.
Yes, there are now some very beneficial high fiber foods and health drinks that are made with concentrated nutrients from plants, so that small amounts generate big results. You won’t find these concentrated health foods and drinks on the shelves at your local grocery store, and certainly not in the refrigerator section of the convenience store. We’re not talking about so-called “enhanced vitamin water” beverages filled with fructose, artificial sweeteners and isolated vitamins, or energy drinks boosted with caffeine and sugar. Instead, we are referring to naturally produced health drinks, concentrated with real whole food plant sources such as cocoa, strawberry, lemons, peaches and raspberries. These health drinks are loaded with natural antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, and some have several grams of soluble fiber, plus protein from plants. Your body understands how to process these natural ingredients better than man-made chemically produced, artificial products being sold in stores, and you achieve better results for your overall health.
You don’t have to consume mass quantities of plants to achieve the results that high fiber can offer for keeping your digestive system running smoothly. Try some delicious high fiber foods available in natural, tasty shakes that you can mix with water or other liquids for much of the fiber you need. Throw in a few frozen banana pieces or berries to mix with the powdered shakes and you are quickly on your way to the fiber and nutrients you need each day with all the complex carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables Best of all, the shakes taste good. Some even contain FOS, fructooligasacharides, a pro biotic soluble fiber found in foods like garlic, onions or barley. Who wants to have garlic or onions for breakfast when it is easier to have a quick, tasty shake made with real strawberries or cocoa? That makes it so easy to get more essential fiber, complex carbohydrates and natural antioxidants for breakfast than most people get all day.
Drinking diet sodas or high caffeine energy drinks to get fit is like lifting 12 oz cans of beer to build muscle up. Those types of drinks only tear your body down, while health drink formulas made from all natural ingredients give your body the nutrients it needs to build it up. Water is good, but it can be tasteless and boring to drink half your body weight in ounces of plain water every day. When you can drink a quart of water enhanced with all natural antioxidants and complex carbohydrates for better taste and more benefits, why wouldn’t you? Again, we’re not referring to loading up on caffeine, sugar, or vitamin water beverages with isolated vitamins and minerals. Instead, we are talking about enhancing the benefits of drinking water with natural fruits and whole vitamins and minerals from real foods found in nature. It is so easy now to find these carefully produced, powerfully charged health drink formulas that you don’t need to shop every health food store or grocery store. You won’t find them there, but you will find them on the Internet. You have to step out of your comfort zone, change the way you think about nutrition, and change the way you shop for all natural high fiber foods, health drinks, and other essential nutrition.
Changing my diet to a more contemporary way of eating high fiber foods and increasing the benefits of drinking water with super concentrated health drinks has worked quite well for me. I lost 8 pounds in the first week and thirty pounds in the first month of my new diet. I have easily kept that weight off for more than six years by using the same high fiber foods and health drinks referred to in this article. I hardly ever shop at the grocery store these days, and get more nutrition for about three dollars from a quickly made, concentrated, all natural shake than most people get in a week. When you find the simple steps to perfect health you will wonder how you ever lived without them, much the way we wonder how we ever lived without computers and cell phones. So, get out of the grocery store, get on the net, get your nutrition delivered to your door, then go out and live life!