Have you ever wanted to know the reason behind every successful man? If you have not I am suggesting you to do so and the only possible answer will come out will not be related to their merits or their efforts. All of them had a sound mind with mental as well as emotional tranquility. That's the real cause behind their success. One can ask that, what is emotional health and mental health. According to the psychologists emotional and mental health refers to the general psychological wellbeing of an individual. It includes the manner in which one thinks about himself, the quality of his relationships and his capability to deal with his feelings and manner of dealing with difficult situations.

It does not necessarily mean that a person who is free from mental illnesses and other psychological disorders is a perfectly mentally healthy person. There is something "extra bit" for which a person can be called a mentally healthy one. Rather a person with those aforementioned characteristics is said to have positive health. There are some criteria for by which you can differentiate between persons and give your verdict on whether he or she is mentally healthy or not. Those criteria are stated below-

1. A sense of self-satisfaction.
2. The desire to live and the wish to laugh and to have some fun.
3. The capability to deal with those situations of stresses and bounce back strongly from adversity.
4. The sense of purpose and meaning and, both in their relationships and activities.
5. Self confidence and the sense of high self-esteem.
6. The capability of maintaining current relationships and building new relationships with other people.
7. Must not be rigid in accepting newer ideas and adapting to changes.
8. A balance among everything he does that identifies his characteristics

Having a good mental health does not necessarily mean that we are immune to every kind of emotional attachments or bad times. We all certainly face difficult situations, emotional breakdown sometimes in our life. But the most important fact is that an emotionally healthy person has the power to bounce back from those bad situations very much quickly whereas a person with some sorts of emotional disturbances finds it hard to cope with the situation and invariably breaks down.

Role of physical health in ensuring sound mind: A sound body ensures a sound mind. There is an inter link between body and the mind. We take exercise to keep our body fit. It energizes our lungs and heart. But the original impact runs far deep than this as it releases an important chemical substance- endorphin that removes the gloomy atmosphere surrounding us and lifts our mood. So you must take enough rest daily and sleep 6-8 hours because that will give you an optimum functional stability. You should take nutritious food as it has an impact on your body and your mood. Exercise can be the perfect antidote to you stresses as daily 30 minutes of exercise or a short walk in the park can relieve you of those stresses. An interesting way to lift up your mood can be facing the sunlight. So try to face the sunlight for at least 10-15 minutes every day.

One can improve the mental or emotional health simply by taking proper care of him or herself. You have to take care of your own needs and demands first to ensure a sound mind. Try to draw a line between those works which you enjoy and which you do not enjoy. Here are some tips-

1. Engage in creative, meaningful work.
2. Get a pet.
3. Should make your leisure time a top priority.
4. Make time for appreciation and contemplation.
5. Put emphasis on your senses.

Every person is different to each other. Some people love working and some love to relax and have a nap. But the most important fact is to sort out the works that you like and doing them perfectly.

Supportive relationships:

You may have seen that many people now a day prefer to maintain virtual relationships rather than concentrating on the real one. Social networking sites are partly responsible for that. Get out from in front of the screen of your laptop and talk to your friends of real life for a few minutes. This will do a world of good. Spend some hours daily with your near and dear ones and talk to them face to face. Help others in their works and be a volunteer.

The verdict: These were the advices that do not ask for any medical treatment. Maintain these can the Everyone Advices and attain a superior mental and emotional health . But in spite of those steps if anyone still feels that his mental status has not improved a bit then he will have to seek the advices of a psychiatrist who will help him in this regard.