Jillian Michaels Teams With Network for a Healthy California to Fight Childhood Obesity
Jillian Michaels, star of NBC’s reality show The Biggest Loser and host of her own radio show on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles, has joined with Los Angeles County public health advocates in the fight against childhood obesity. The radio promotion, which runs through September, consists of radio ads, a website and an on-air contest.
The radio ads feature Jillian along with a number of “Champion Moms,” who are actual local moms that serve as advocates for a statewide “Champions for Change” campaign (http://championsforchange.lacounty.gov/). The Champions for Change are committed to helping their families eat more fruits and vegetables and be more physically active. They also help make healthy changes in their neighborhoods, like encouraging local stores to stock more fresh fruits and vegetables. Their goal is to help prevent serious health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and certain types of cancer. The ads are sponsored by the Los Angeles Collaborative for Healthy Active Children and the Network for a Healthy California–Los Angeles Region and funded by USDA’s Food Stamp Program, an equal opportunity provider and employer. For information about food stamps, call 1-888-328-3483.
KFI’s promotion website features a contest where listeners can submit their own champion for change ideas for a chance to win a mini vacation to a Palm Springs Luxury Hotel and an opportunity to meet Jillian at the KFI studio:
http://www.kfi640.com/common/championsforchange/champion …
The Network for a Healthy California–Los Angeles Region offers resources, technical assistance, and support for anti-obesity and nutrition-related projects throughout L.A. County and supports the efforts of the Los Angeles Collaborative for Healthy Active Children. The Los Angeles Collaborative for Healthy Active Children is a dynamic partnership of over 150 organizations dedicated to improving the health of children and families in Los Angeles County (http://www.lacollaborative.org/). The Collaborative promotes healthy eating, physical activity and communities that foster healthy lifestyles. With quarterly meetings and trainings throughout the year, the Collaborative brings together and mobilizes diverse sectors including low-income consumers, government agencies, non-profit organizations, advocates, community leaders, businesses, social service offices, and other experts in nutrition and physical activity. Members of the Collaborative coordinate, implement and evaluate countywide campaigns and initiatives that increase access to and availability of fruits and vegetables, safe physical activity and food safety.