Bikini Workouts for Everyone
When one is comfortable on what he or she is wearing, the exercise will become more effective and fun. When you get to wear your bikini attire, your goal is to look your best with it. Every woman in the world would surely want to look good in a bikini.
You need to follow these exercises that you could do regularly so that you can get your desired physique. You can do this regularly at any time of the day you want. If you are new with these, make sure to take a one minute rest after every exercise. You can do all these exercises quickly after some time, especially if your body has already adjusted with it. After a week, you can finish these exercises for just 30 seconds each. The exercises are as follows.
Dumb bell exercise: lunges and rotation
In order to strengthen your muscles, you can do simply dumb bell lunges first and after some time, you can add some rotation or twists with it. There is no need for you to lift dumb bells just to perform lunges because you can still do so without it. Hold the weights using your two hands and have them slightly lean on your chest. Make sure you do this properly so that your arm muscles will be strengthen.
Mount climber
You do not have to climb real mountains for this; instead, simply mount all your limbs on the ground. Simply move your feet co-ordinately with both your hands reaching the ground as if you are really trying to climb a actual mountain. As much as possible, get your knees close to your chest when you move your feet. This exercise helps you improve your endurance so that you can continue with all the exercises every day. You can also challenge yourself a little bit more by moving both your hands and feet. The result for this exercise, aside from endurance, is a tighter abdomen, and thinner arms and legs which make you more good-looking in a bikini. See more tips online.
Dumb bell push ups and press
To make push ups more interesting, hold a dumb bell on each hand. Simply hold a dumb bell with both hands and perform the regular push ups. This exercise will improve your shoulders and arms which are the visible parts of the body when wearing a bikini.
You can do these exercises as a starter. See more info on the internet. These exercises are not exhausting at all if you have the determination to continue. Just imagine how you would look like if you are already wearing a bikini.