Incredible Facts on Vasectomy
A known fact is that more than half a million men undergo a vasectomy each year in America, and this makes the procedure the most common urological procedure which happens by severing the vas deferens through which the sperm travel from the testes to the male organ, and it is one of the best family planning methods. It is good to note that vasectomy is done by a qualified doctor in their office or clinic, it is done using local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia, and it is a straightforward and safe procedure that can be done without using a scalpel by using a small hole that is punctured using a special device. It is good to note that the procedure should be done by a board certified urologist because it is only a qualified urologist that has the needed skills to conduct such a procedure without any complications happening.
The procedure does not result in immediate sterility, and the person may still have sperm that is viable in their reproductive system for some weeks to come and to avoid an unintended pregnancy the person needs to use another birth control method until a semen analysis verifies that there is no detectable viable sperm.
There are no significant side effects from the procedure in most cases, and the only thing to be expected is some little swelling and bruising at the incision area, and a pain reliever can be used to alleviate any short-term pain or discomfort. If the patient experienced an increase in swelling or pain or they develop a fever this shows that they may be infected and thus they need to see their doctor, and at the time some men develop some pain in their scrotum the pain does not last for more than a year.
Men do not need to worry about the fact that the vasectomy will increase their risk of diseases like prostate cancer, stroke, heart disease, testicular cancer, hypertension or stroke and this fact has been verified by a study done by a prestigious journal. There were scientific studies done two decades ago showed that an increase in the risk of prostate cancer and the link has was shown to be weak and may have been due to chance and further research failed to show a connection thus there is no plausible reason.
A study showed that men that have had a vasectomy done to them do not any sexual difficulties like a decrease in libido, keeping an erection or any problems with orgasm than other men that have not had the procedure done. Another study showed that men that have undergone vasectomy they were more satisfied with their relationship due to the fact that the procedure decreases the anxiety about any unwanted pregnancy and conflict compared to the use of contraception.