How healthy is Calhoun County?

By the numbers, Calhoun County is not the picture of health.

Calhoun County has consistently ranked in the bottom quartile for overall health outcomes in Michigan for at least the last decade, according to county health rankings by the Robert Woods Foundation’s Conduent Healthy Communities Institute.

Although health assessments represent a snapshot of the community and health officials are cautious about year-over-year comparisons, the 2020 rankings for Calhoun County show the community is struggling on several fronts.

Out of 83 Michigan counties, Calhoun County ranked No. 73 for overall health outcomes, which takes into consideration length and quality of life. The county ranked No. 62 in health factors, which takes into account health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic issues and the physical environment.

County health care leaders completed a health needs assessment in the fall of 2019 aimed at identifying the underlying causes of poor health in Calhoun County. The study found that social factors  — such as income, education and race — and access to care, had the largest negative impact on people’s health.