Health And Fitness, The Basic Story
First of all, let me say that you and you only have the power to influence how healthy you want to be. Your diet should at least be 1/3 fruits and vegetables. The daily food intake should be this category of food and the resulting health benefits will include lowering your risk of having high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Diabetes can happen also, once you pull the trigger on that, there is no going back. Keep in mind that you should limit the starchy carbs you eat (bread and pasta).
Health insurance plans “fee for service” is where the insurance company pays a fee for the services offered to the insured people. So with that said make sure and do your research of the various plans in order to see what other medical services are available. Also note what restrictions are in place, respective to the plan you are thinking about purchasing. A health care plan that offers full or partial coverage for those additional services may be worth paying a few extra dollars for each month in the health insurance rate.
In the event that you do get ill and need their services of your health plan they will then scrutinize your records with the hopes of finding a reason not to pay your health insurance related claims. Other things to be taken into your decision while picking out a health insurance policy are how the plan handles medical care like physical. Is there vision care or dental services? What is the care and counseling for mental health? What are the services for drug and alcohol abuse; is there ongoing care for chronic and long-term diseases. Is there alternative medical care like acupuncture; does it cover experimental treatments and therapies.
Diet and lifestyle (fitness) play important roles in keeping you healthy. Exercise is so important that it requires a special emphasis. Lack of exercise is very bad for your health. There are so many other benefits of exercise but they are well beyond the scope of this article. Your healthy lifestyle can easily help you in bringing down the health insurance premium. Detecting an illness early on can vastly improve recovery rates whilst the process itself can help identify unhealthy lifestyle habits which can be remedied.
Private health insurance is one of those lifestyle choices all us of face. If you are not doing so already, I encourage you to consider practical new ways to start a healthy lifestyle for you and your family today. There are preventable things that you can cut from you life like tobacco. Obesity from a poorly planed diet and lack of exercise in your life is something that can be prevented.
In closing remember these few things to improve your health, eat more raw vegetables and less junk food. See your doctor more often and the biggest tip of all is having a meeting with a Nutritionist/Dietitian. This person will and teaches you so much about the foods you eat, you will be so surprised.