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Alcohol Addiction In many countries the world over, consumption of alcohol is legal. There are however several regulations that have been put in place to curb excessive consumption of alcohol. The first measure is the limitation of age for alcohol drinkers. Alcohol is only for consumption by people above the age of eighteen in very many countries worldwide. Such regulations are aimed at promoting responsible consumption of alcohol. This is driven by the fact that irresponsible consumption of alcohol could cause addiction and other vices. Over time, both science and history have proved that alcoholism is not a disease. In fact, the existence of the disease of alcoholism remains speculation purely. Therefore, the common behavior especially in the US of denying alcohol users and abusers remains a threat to their health..
Getting Down To Basics with Experts
Time has proven that using the concept of alcoholism as a disease to fight the ‘vice’ of excessive drinking continues to damage users and abusers more than thought of earlier. During inception, proponents felt it would help in comprehending the negative effects of drinking alcohol. Instead, new techniques of combating excessive drinking should be sort.
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Turmeric is the main spice found in curry. Food and other health experts find it the hitherto herb that helps antibodies in fighting diseases. Most experts have delved into analyzing its benefits in the process writing more than 6,000 peered reviewed articles on the same. Most of them concur that it is an effective anti-platelet. It is referred to as anticoagulants in other spheres. By slowing down the flow of blood and preventing clotting of the same, turmeric becomes a good anti-platelet. This way, it does not show any negative after-use effects. They only appear when used in excess amounts. There is also an agreement that it is an effective anti-depressant. It deals effectively with symptoms relating to depression. Other benefits appear in the management of arthritis and treatment of cancer. The question of the diet used by women when they are pregnant remains a common area of concern. It is an important topic for debate when handling effects of alcohol There is a consensus that food and drinks preferred by pregnant women are crucial to their adjusting to new life during pregnancy. It is common knowledge that women are advised to keep off alcohol when pregnant. Although professionals enlist different complications and risks of pregnant women drinking, most of the complications do not have direct relations with occasional drinking. However, the world over, there is no identified quantity of alcohol that is safe to pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women should even avoid casual drinking. The fetal alcohol syndrome remains the main reason for pregnant women to avoid even a glass of wine. This is despite the fact it only occurs under increased intake of alcohol.