Find Out How Medical Acupuncture Can Help You
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of healing, and medical acupuncture is a more recent form that is widely practiced in the west. Acupuncture simply refers to a technique where fine needles are inserted and manipulated into certain specific points to help relieve pain and for other beneficial purposes. When a doctor trained and licensed in western medicine pursues acupuncture training, it is termed as medical acupuncture. As there are many different approaches to learning and practicing acupuncture, a doctor can use one particular approach or a combination of two to treat medical conditions.
Medical acupuncture being a healing process that does not fall within conventional medicine is now being considered to be an alternative medical technique. In the West, medical acupuncture is mainly used to treat pain caused by problems with bones, muscles, and joints. It is also used to treat illness like asthma, irritable bowel syndrome etc. Acupuncture can also effectively provide pain relief for patients suffering from cancer. It can also help in many medical conditions like migraine, headache, back pain, and dental pain. Acupuncture has also been seen to be effective in the treatment of nausea.
Acupuncture helps by triggering pain-releasing endorphins in the brain that promotes mental and physical well-being. It can effectively provide relief from various medical conditions and help prevent illness. Acupuncture can be used to treat many medical conditions, be it respiratory disorders, digestive disorders, neurological disorders, or reproductive problems; acupuncture can be your solution. It is highly useful in solving problems arising from tension and other emotional conditions.
The acupuncturist usually begins the treatment process by taking the case history of the patient and asking some questions concerning your current health facts. This assessment is to determine which acupuncture points would be needed, this way the treatment is unique to each patient and focuses on his / her particular problem. Acupuncturists may make use of cupping and moxibustion to stimulate the acupuncture points. If you are unsure about the needles, do not worry as most people do not face any discomfort and in most cases, brings a feeling of relaxation. Also, the doctor would sterilize the needles before inserting it; therefore, you do not need to worry about infection.
In most cases, acupuncture has no side effects but in some cases, the original symptoms may not get noticeably better or other general changes may take place. However, you need not worry, as this is an indication that the method is working. Also with the first treatments, you may have a feeling of deep relaxation or mild disorientation but proper rest and time would fix that.
Although many are under the impression that acupuncture is ineffective, you should know that in the past 2,000 years, it has successfully treated numerous medical conditions. Now in modern times, it is being widely used by patients and physicians alike. Also, remember that acupuncture can be given with other techniques at the same time.
Now that you know the several benefits of medical acupuncture, why not make use of it to treat your medical condition or illness. Make sure to find a good acupuncturist who is properly trained and skilled. Try this alternative medical technique to find good and satisfactory results.