Comparison of Synthetic Drugs and Plant Medicines
While drugstore shelves in the US are stocked mostly with synthetic remedies, in other parts of the world the situation is quite different. In Germany, pharmacies dispense herbs prescribed by physicians. Plant medicines are the most widely used medicines in the world today. About 85% of the world’s population employs herbs as their primary medicines.
Natural plant-based remedies are used for both acute and chronic health problems, from treating common colds to controlling blood pressure and cholesterol. Not so long ago, this was true in the US as well. As late as the early 1950’s, many of the larger pharmaceutical companies still offered a broad variety of plant-based drugs in tablet, liquid and ointment forms.
The replacement of herbs with synthetic drugs is a relatively new phenomenon, less than a century old, born largely out of economic opportunities afforded by patent laws. Drug companies can’t typically patent commonly used plants, but they can develop patented, proprietary synthetic drugs, often reaping billions in sales. Since the 1940’s, chemists employed by pharmaceutical companies have developed novel synthetic molecules which have replaced plant medicines, and are sold both over the counter and by prescription.
The results of this synthetic drug explosion have been unfortunate. Today, drugs prescribed in hospitals constitute the number six cause of death among American adults. This exceeds deaths due to crack, handguns, and traffic accidents combined. Add to that figure the number of adult and child deaths attributable to over the counter and prescription drugs given outside of hospitals, and the figures are even worse.
Natural substances make a better cure than synthetic drugs because our bodies are designed to absorb and benefit from naturally occurring plant molecules. Our bodies were not created to accept or metabolize these synthetic substances, which would explain why they are responsible for more fatalities than those suffered by US forces during the Vietnam War. Drugs clog receptor sites and confuse the system.
A cure for hemorrhoids made from plant extract compounds represent molecules of life itself, which are in perfect biochemical harmony with the human system. When we incorporate medicinal plants in therapeutic treatments, we are adapting the same compounds that the plants themselves use. Antimicrobial plant extracts can be used to repel the attacks of invading microbes on our system, such as what a natural cure for hemorrhoids does.
Medicinal plants have been used for centuries and their therapeutic properties have been revealed during clinical observations. These properties have been validated through pharmacological tests on animals, isolated tissue samples and cell cultures, proving that medicinal plants provide outstanding results in healing the human system.
Over the years, medical professionals and the general public have been showing greater interest in the development of plant medicines. And here at Nature’s Pharma, our goal is to provide as much information as possible on the plant-based medicinal products. HemorrhoidBalm-Rx and AntiHemorrhoidDrops are well-established highly effective hemorrhoids treatment products.
HemorrhoidBalm-Rx is concentrated with powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic naturally occurring compounds which prevent inflammation and shrink enlarged venous tissue. Application reduces swelling in rectal tissue instilling pain relief and calming down any burning sensations. These anti inflammatory properties also have an analgesic effect. Thus, pain relief and reduction of hemorrhoids is experienced upon application leading to total reversal of the condition.
AntihemorrhoidsDrops is an all natural dietary supplement for the treatment of hemorrhoids. This product enhances venous circulation, strengthens immune parameters and safely acts as a blood decongestant, thereby systemically unraveling twisted rectal veins causing hemorrhoids. The extracts in this homeopathic treatment systemically promote venous circulation, which shrinks swollen rectal tissue.
On this web site, you will encounter a great deal of information about plant medicines. Today, you can acquire botanicals at pharmacies, natural product stores, and supermarkets. The proliferation of plant medicines is steadily on the increase. You will learn to appreciate the critically important role that plant medicines play in health and culture. To learn more about plant medicines and become better informed, please go to