Catchy Slogans For Hospitals: How To Get The Best Hospital Campaign Slogans & Taglines

Hospital branding is more competitive than ever. That’s because hospitals are more competitive than ever. That’s why healthcare organizations are trying to utilize every advantage possible to attract more patients and more profitable patients. Among of the most powerful ways hospitals can stand out is through catchy campaign slogans. Hospital ad slogans and taglines can be tricky though. It’s tough to represent an incredibly complex healthcare organization in just a few words. To make things worse, in trying to come up with a slogan most organizations have a hard time finding consensus on which of their potential campaign slogans is right for them. That often results in bland, generic, never effective hospital marketing slogans and advertising taglines like “Experience You Can Trust” or “Serving Our Community Since 1989.”

Someone get me a pillow. I’m about to fall asleep!

Catchy slogans, whether they’re hospital advertising slogans for billboards or hospital taglines to compliment your logo, should always offer a point of differentiation and have that point of differentiation delivered in a memorable way. There’s a great slogan being used right now by an academic medical center in Florida. Their slogan is “The Science of Hope.” Talking about the scientific aspect or their organization differentiates them from the for profit hospitals and adding hope into the equation makes it a catchy slogan with a truly feel good tone.

So how do you get great hospital ad slogans, hospital campaign slogans or hospital taglines that demonstrate your differentiation in a clever way? Don’t try and do it yourself! You wouldn’t want a professional slogan writer performing surgery on you so why would you attempt to do their job?

Among the most popular options at present is initiating a confidential hospital advertising slogan contest using a slogan generator website. Using these professional slogan generator sites, simply require you to put up a cash prize of anywhere from $200 – $999. Then professional slogan writers begin submitting ad agency quality marketing slogans, usually starting within 24 hours. Once the contest has ended, usually after a week to two, depending on the site, you select your favorite entry. The best slogan or advertising tagline writer wins the cash and the rights to the slogan/tagline are passed along to you. Slogan writers are found everywhere from the United States to Australia and England.

Your other option is to hire an ad firm with experience in hospital advertising slogans. Yes, that means far fewer choices than a contest slogan site and the price is sure to be more expensive, however that might be the best route if you prefer the traditional way of getting a slogan.

An effective hospital advertising tagline can be among the best investments you can make in your brand. So just like your ask of a great hospital doctor, make the diagnosis, take action and enjoy the fruits of your label – a healthy marketing foundation.