6 Self-Care Tips That Can Help You Prevent a Herniated Disc

Lumbar Herniated Disc Prevention: 7 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Spine

Have you ever experienced chronic back pain? If your answer is no, there is much you should do to thank your lucky star. The risk of developing back pain occurs as you age due to the degeneration and herniation of spinal discs that eventually compress the spinal nerve. The slight discomfort in your back can resolve after applying home remedies such as massage. However, if the pain in your lower back keeps worsening, you should consider Lumbar Disc Microsurgery to restore the quality of your life. The following are self-care tips that can help you prevent a herniated disc.

Lift Objects Properly

You will have to lift heavy objects at some point in your life. If you embrace improper techniques, such as folding the waist when carrying those objects, you risk putting excess strain on your spine, causing a disc herniation. Instead, bending your knees to redistribute the extra strain to other joints would be best. Additionally, it would help if you lighten your load by carrying the necessities.

Sleep Correctly

Your sleeping position is a practical matter regarding spine health. For example, lying on your back usually exerts a greater force on the back which triggers back problems. Fortunately, sleeping on your side can reduce the risk of those back complications. Invest in a high-density mattress if you sleep on a thin mattress to keep your back in good condition.

Stop Smoking

Smoking has many detrimental effects on your health, including spine problems. Notably, cigarette compounds constrict the blood vessels, thus limiting the supply of blood to the spinal disc. The reduced blood flow to the disk accelerates disk degeneration due to a limited supply of oxygen and nutrients, subjecting them to rupture. Therefore, if you are a smoker, you should quit this habit before it is too late.

Maintain the Correct Posture

Certain occupations can increase the likelihood of lower back problems. For instance, if you operate your computer for a long period, you are likely to slouch over the screen, which ignites back problems. Therefore, it is necessary to position your body so that your spine is properly aligned when sitting. Additionally, it would be best if you made ergonomic changes in your office to avoid straining while operating the computer.

Get Moving

Physical exercises are indispensable when it comes to spine health. Activities such as brisk walking and biking help strengthen the core muscles, thus boosting the spine’s stability and reducing disc herniation susceptibility. Moreover, you achieve healthy weight ranges through regular exercise, thus safeguarding your spine from unnecessary strain.

Stay Hydrated

Water is a beverage that has many health benefits, including spine wellness. Notably, the spongy structure within the spine has fluid, with water being the major component. When you are dehydrated, fluidity within the spinal disc reduces, thus increasing the vulnerability of wear and tear along those discs. To minimize those concerns, you should aim for at least sixty-four oz of water per day for optimal hydration.

Millions of people have reported lower back problems due to disk herniation. With chronic back pain, victims experience reduced flexibility which lowers their productivity in the workplace. Fortunately, the above tips can help reduce the likelihood of a herniated disc, thus helping you stay in tune with your back health. However, you should seek the relevant treatments if you encounter disc herniation.

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