5 Lessons Learned: Cures
How to Treat a Sprained Ankle from Home The word sprained is used to describe ligament damage. Ligaments are anatomical structures that are used to connect bones. There numerous ligaments within the ankle but only two of these ligaments are susceptible to being sprained. The anterior Talofibular ligament connects the fibula with the talus, and the calcaneal fibular ligament that connects the fibula to the calcaneus. Home Remedies to cure sprained ankles Ice When ice is used, it causes the blood vessels to constrict increasing the blood pressure, and the process of swelling is reduced. Ideally, the ice is placed on the sprained region for about twenty minutes every couple hours for a period of 48 to 72 hours. Make sure that the ice cubes do not get into direct contact with your skin to prevent lasting harm.
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Onion The anti-inflammatory nature of onions assist in treating sprained ankles by decreasing the pain. Take a large sized onion that has been refrigerated for two hours and slice it into small pieces then mix with a spoonful of salt. The mixture is then placed on the sore ankle and sealed with a plastic bandage. Once eight hours have elapsed, the mixture is replaced with a new one.
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Treat with Epsom Salt The magnesium found in Epsom salt is what gives it the healing property to cure sprained ankles. Mix a cup of Epsom salt in lukewarm bath water and immerse your ankle in this solution for roughly half hour. For the next three days, repeat this for at least two times in a day. Ginger Ginger has properties that are quite effective in controlling the symptoms of a sprained ankle. In a container filled with 8 cups of water, add 2-3″ sliced ginger. Boil this mixture for 5 minutes and then leave it until it becomes lukewarm, and then soak a cloth in it and wrap it around the ankle. Turmeric Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory property which makes it a natural painkiller. In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric assists is preventing blood clotting, treats digestive and skin issues as well as improves circulation. Add one teaspoonful of turmeric to a glass of warm milk and drink twice in a day. You can alternatively mix a spoon of lime. Apply the paste on the area that is affected and seal it with a bandage and leave it for about 10 hours. Repeat the procedure for a week and ensure that you do it at intervals of ten hours per day. It is recommended that during sprain ankle treatment, one takes complete rest, massages the foot, elevates the leg above the chest, stretches the ligaments gently, and drink plenty of water.