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What Makes Drinking Tea of Benefit to Your Health?
In this day and age, it cannot be avoided that there are still a lot of people claiming that there are no health benefits of drinking tea. However, recent facts beg to disagree as in the past years several benefits of drinking tea have been established. All throughout historical times, several kinds of ailments have been addressed by drinking tea. Despite this, it is only during recent times where the general medical population decided to recognize the true benefits of drinking tea. The kind of tea that is typically considered by a lot as beneficial is the Chinese green tea. Yet, there are several medical doctors that beg to disagree. Just like the benefits of Chinese green tea, several medical doctors conclude that any kind of tea will still be able to provide one the same antioxidant as well as health benefits.
For centuries, the ancient people never fail to stop talking about the many benefits of drinking tea. For example, ‘hot totti’ was used in ancient times to cure the colds of a person as a form of a common home remedy. This home remedy usually comprises a swig of spirits, such as scotch, brandy, or whiskey, honey, lemon, and hot tea. When this remedy is then taken in by the person suffering from colds, he or she immediately goes to bed and huddles its covers. This must be facilitated so that the person will be able to sweat out the cold that he or she has in his or her body. Unfortunately, this is no longer considered a legal remedy, especially on children, because of its alcohol content. Yet one should take note that a lot of cold medicines these days still contain alcohol.
Sore throat is another ailment addressed by drinking tea. One of the most common home remedies for sore throat is drinking hot tea in addition to lemon and honey. It is okay that you do not include putting in lemon in your hot tea because honey is the more important ingredient. If you have sore throat and drink a combination of honey and hot tea, you are sure to feel its soothing effect. This simply means that your sore throat is allowed to heal without you having to buy any prescription drug or over the counter medication.
There are many antioxidant effects when it comes to drinking green tea. If you want to boost your immune system, then it is important that you consider drinking ashitaba tea. You must be able to drink this kind of tea especially during the cold weather where you are more at risk of different kinds of bacterial and viral infections. In comparison to other kinds of tea that medical professionals think are all the same, the ashitaba tea is very different in several aspects. Drinking of ashitaba tea has been proven to enhance the immune system of the person, leading to the conclusion that an increase in its consumptions leads to a decrease of illnesses.
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