The Benefits of Ridesharing Ridesharing is one of the very many long recognized practices that have been passed on that basically aims to save energy resources on top of providing a lot of great advantages. Others call ridesharing as car pooling. It is a great way of transport as it encourages three to four people who are basically going to the same direction, to share one vehicle. This does not mean that it is only for cars because it can also be in a form of buses, shuttles, or vans, or even trains. Ridesharing is undeniably, the best option to reduce commuting costs. Ridesharing provides a lot of benefits which is why it is good for individuals who have to commute daily or frequently to their destination. Instead of opting to use individual vehicles, a group or even just two people can share a vehicle if they are going to the same destination or even direction, and this type of travel would still in a comfortable, efficient, and quick manner. Ridesharing also helps a whole lot in reducing the number of vehicles that are on the road and with that, it will reduce the traffic congestion which of course leads to shorter travel time. On top of that really great advantage is that, car pooling vehicles or rideshare cars will be allowed to use called car pool lanes which means that those cars or vehicles can avoid getting stuck in traffic especially when they are travelling during rush hours.
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Aside from helping in the more efficient way of commuting by reducing traffic congestion and spending lesser time in travelling, ridesharing also reduces the level of pollution that spreads because lesser vehicles used means lesser spread of emissions that have significantly negative effect or impact to the environment. It also helps in the conservation of resources like gas and oil because a reduction of vehicles being used on the road means a reduction of demand for these resources which of course means the price for these resources will be lowered, following the principle of supply and demand. Any costs that will be incurred for the fuel consumption, oil change, and maintenance, up to the registration and the license registration of the owner of the car, can be divided among those who are travelling together.
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Carpool or ridesharing etiquette needs to be established and well observed even if the individuals participating have been friends for so long or workmates for so long so that there will be a good relationship between them when they share a ride. The etiquette will then assure each and every individuals involved that there will be a fixed time for pick up, fixed time for payment, among others and that all these shall be observed with respect and courtesy to fellow riders.

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