Overeating means that consumption of energy intake is inappropriately large for a given energy expenditure. The consequence is obesity.

Overeating is used as a relative term as normal energy intake may vary from person to person depending on type of activity performed. An energy intake of 3000 kcal / day may be a small one for an athlete in training but presents severe overeating for sedentary people.

Overeating of certain specific dietary components may also lead to health risks. An over consumption of fatty and sugary foods, high glycemic ones, results in diabetes, heart diseases and related conditions.

Very often overeating becomes addictive. As an inappropriate responses to life stresses, people sometimes use food and eating to fill a void they feel inside. Oveating 'help' to cope with daily stresses and problems in their lives as a way to hide from their emotions.

Overeating people tend to be overweight. Despite the fact that they are usually aware that their eating habits are abnormal, they find a little comfort in their condition. But the truth is they must face a lot of frustrations caused by obesity condition:

  1. (Physical) they have health problems as obesity increases the risks of hypertension, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, endocrine problems, gall bladder disease, arthritis, lung and breathing problems, bone deterioration, sleep disorders (sleep apnea) ).
  2. (Social) they have a limited participation in activities such as recreational sports, parties and other social opportunities.
  3. (Professional) as an excessive weight prejudice, they may have a reduced ability in learning process or some work situations.

The simplistic solution to obesity is to eat less and exercise more. Physical activity, obesity, and energy intake are very close related factors of lifestyle.