Physical Health – Health Trinity Revisited

Previously, I attempted to convey a simple message concerning the imminent need to put into motion events which will ultimately lead to balance in your life. Balance is the first step in achieving success for yourself in any endeavor. The knowledge of the Health Trinity provides you with a means of identifying your problems, and putting your ‘other’ self into action. And your other self is who you want yourself to be!

The first concept of Health Trinity – Physical Health

Physical health, as we know, is the cumulation of habits, diet, and exercise. While I have made it a point to emphasize the need to shed yourself of bad habits (e.g. smoking, drinking, sleeping too much, etc), today I would like to cover some additional things which we can all do to improve our health physically.

First, we can place more emphasis on our diets. Diet is a tricky word, as most people hear it and run for the hills. But eating healthy does not mean that we lose all convenience in our lives, nor does it mean that we cannot enjoy the foods we eat. Actually, I have found that the foods which I now consume, are far superior to any which you’ll find under the roofs of fast food restaurants and so on. The only extra time which we must take, is the time to research which foods are best suited to us. Also, you must choose your eating out locations wisely, and be sure that you incorporate the needs of your diet wherever you choose to go. I guarantee you that this simple adjustment in lifestyle will have you feeling healthier almost instantly. And this is the easiest step, of all of them, to accomplish! Much more to come on the topic of diets and foods!

In addition to diet, we also have exercise. This is where most have trouble sticking to their guns and become a little weak of will. If you cannot sustain a gym based exercise regiment, at least to start, I recommend finding something which you enjoy or are interested in learning. As I began my trek toward health and achievement, my first step was taking up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I had always been fascinated by the art and decided that this was a good way to channel my energy and afford me something which I would WANT to keep coming back to. It worked!

Today I enjoy a full range of exercising including Jiu Jitsu, Yoga, running, gym exercises, and more. You are not limited in this aspect. And you must shed yourself of shame or the expectation of immediately excelling at whatever it is which you choose. Opting for a better life is nothing to be ashamed of, and with effort and practice, you WILL improve. You may also find that in addition to improving your health, you are adopting valuable lessons and principles along the way. In this, you may just find your definite purpose!

Make an attempt to take this first step toward your health, and toward your success. As I said, balance is only the beginning. But with this, we can access our mind’s potential and are capable of achieving anything we wish!